Assuming they were desperately lost Cucu began to ask where they were trying to get to. It wasn’t until the older of the three gentleman spoke did she realize that not only were they not lost but, 50 years on, one of them was actually coming back home.
As it turns out, before our family and the Ferrari family before us moved onto the farm, the Mumford’s had set root in Kamiti in the early 1940s, building a home and raising a family against the beautiful backdrop of the Kenyan highlands.
As the second custodians of the already established coffee farm, the Mumford’s did a hell of a lot to the farm, bringing with them a passion for the land and a thirst for growing great coffee. A thirst that never left when they returned to Australia in the 1960s.The older man a kid then was still proud to share this place with his grownup sons.
When Cucu and my grandfather moved onto Lisura, they both fell deeply in love with the place, pouring everything into it, to make it what it is today.I find it incredibly interesting how two seemingly different places and total strangers can in some way be inextricably linked.
With over a 12,000 kilometres between Lisura in Kamiti (Kenya), Sydney and Perth, somehow the coffee still finds a way to keep us connected, igniting something special in all of us that come across it.Some say its coincidence but I think there’s more to it than that.
There’s something special here that makes its way into the coffee.
I invite you to come and try it.You never know, it might ignite something in you.